
Saturday 18 August 2012

Fried Shrimp Recipe


500 g shrimp, remove the head, leaving the tail
1 tablespoon tamarind water
50 ounces petai

50 ounces peas, remove the fiber
2 bay leaves

2 knuckles galangal, crushed
salt and sugar to taste
2 tablespoons cooking oil
50 ml of water

Ground spices:

7 red onions
3 cloves garlic
7 large red chilies
5 egg hazelnut

Heat oil and sauté ground spices, bay leaves, and ginger until fragrant. Enter the shrimp, cook until it changes color. Pour the water, add salt, sugar, and tamarind water. Cook until done. Enter the peas and petai, stir briefly. Lift.

RESULTS: 6 servings

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